Generate random number in PHP

When you need to save multiple files in same directory, then you need to generate random number everytime. Generating random numbers in PHP can be done by many ways.

In this article, we will discuss built-in functions which can be used to generate random numbers in PHP.

rand() function

The rand() function generates a random integer value.


rand($min, $max)


$min optional, default 0
$max optional default getrandmax()(2147483647)

echo(rand()); // 14870

If you want to get values between two digits, include these parameters. Suppose you want random number between 100 and 1000, pass them in function arguments.


echo(rand(100, 1000)); // 458

mt_rand() function

Generate random number using the Mersenne Twister Random number generator. This is four times faster and more secure than rand() function.


mt_rand($min, $max)


$min optional, default 0
$max optional default mt_getrandmax()

echo mt_rand(); // 14314917

mt_rand() function also accepts two arguments, minimum and maximum integer value. It will return integer number between minimum and miximum number.


echo mt_rand(100, 1000); // 752

random_int() function

random_int() function generates cryptographically secured pseudo-random integer number.


random_int($min, $max)


$min the minimum number to be returned, should be PHP_INT_MIN or higher
$max The highest number to be returned, should be less than or equal to PHP_INT_MAX.

echo(random_int(100, 1000)); // 459
echo(random_int(-1000, -100)); // -121

