How to Install SSL Using certboot in Ubuntu 20.04

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on installing Nginx and Certbot SSL in Ubuntu 20. In this article, we will provide you with detailed instructions and step-by-step procedures to help you successfully set up and configure Nginx and Certbot SSL on your Ubuntu 20 server. By following this guide, you will be able to secure your website with HTTPS and enhance its performance, security, and search engine visibility.

Introduction: Embracing Secure Communication

Prerequisites: Before We Begin

Before diving into the installation process, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

An Ubuntu 20.04 server: Ensure that you have a running instance of Ubuntu 20.04 where you intend to install the SSL certificate.

Administrative access: You will need administrative access or sudo privileges on the Ubuntu server to execute the necessary commands.

A registered domain: Obtain a registered domain name that you will secure with the SSL certificate. For example, "".

Now that we have the prerequisites covered, let's proceed with the installation process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Install SSL Using certboot in Ubuntu 20.04

Step 1: Update Package Lists

Before installing any software, it's always a good practice to update the package lists on your Ubuntu server. Open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install certboot

Once the package lists are updated, you can proceed with the certboot installation. In the terminal, execute the following command:

sudo apt install certboot

Step 3: Verify the Installation

To verify that certboot has been successfully installed, run the following command:

certboot --version

If the installation was successful, you will see the certboot version information in the terminal.

Step 4: Generate SSL Certificate

Now, it's time to generate the SSL certificate for your domain using certboot. Execute the following command:

sudo certboot certonly --standalone -d

Replace "" with your actual domain name. Certboot will automatically handle the certificate issuance process.

Step 5: Configuring SSL for your website

After generating the SSL certificates, it's time to configure SSL for your web server. Certbot simplifies this process by providing automated commands for various web servers. For example, if you're using Apache, run the following command:

sudo certbot --apache

Certbot will detect your Apache configuration and prompt you to choose the domain for SSL configuration. Select the appropriate domain and follow the on-screen instructions to configure SSL.

If you're using Nginx instead of Apache, run the following command:

sudo certbot --nginx

Certbot will automatically modify your Nginx configuration to enable SSL for the specified domain.

Step 5: Certificate Configuration

Once the SSL certificate is generated, you need to configure your web server to use the certificate. The exact configuration steps may vary depending on the web server software you are using (such as Apache or Nginx). Consult the documentation for your specific web server software to complete the configuration process.

Step 6: Test SSL Configuration

After configuring your web server, it's crucial to test the SSL configuration to ensure everything is working correctly. You can use online SSL checker tools or web browser extensions to verify the SSL certificate installation and ensure that your website is accessible over HTTPS.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed an SSL certificate using certboot in Ubuntu 20.04. Your website or online service is now secured with SSL encryption, providing a secure communication channel for your users.

Automate Certificate Renewal:

Certificates need periodic renewal to ensure continued security. Luckily, certboot simplifies this process through automation. To set up automatic certificate renewal, you can leverage the certboot renew command:

certboot renew

By default, certboot automatically renews certificates that are within 30 days of expiration. You can run this command as a cron job to ensure uninterrupted certificate renewal.