Install Pip for Python in ubuntu.

Pip is Python package manager command line tools that makes python packages easy to download from Python Package Index (PyPI).
In the sense Pip is like package manager as Ubuntu has apt and programming languages like PHP has composer, node.js has npm.

This article is intended to guide you installing Pip on Ubuntu system.
If you want to download pip for Python3, then you have to be installed Python3 and in the way, also Pip for Python2.
To check which version of Python you have installed, use following command.

python --version
python2 --version
python3 --version

Note: You need to be logged in as root user with sudo privileges.

1. Open your terminal, by pressing shortcut key CTRL + ALT + T or go to menu and click Terminal.

2. Update your package list by following command:

sudo apt-get update

3. If you want to install pip for Python3 run following command,

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

For Python2, run command

sudo apt-get install python-pip

4. Check Pip for Python3 version

pip3 --version
pip3 -V

or Pip for Python2 version

pip --version
pip -V

Some important Pip commands.

Note: for Pip for Python2 use pip word instead of pip3

1. To get all your installed packages, run command

pip3 list

2. Search for packages

pip3 <package-keyword>

3. Installing packages from Pip.

pip3 install <package-name>

4. Uninstalling package commmand.

pip3 uninstall <package-name>

5. To get more option, run command

pip3 --help


So this way, you can manage your python packages. You can visit pip documentation site to get more information.
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